Brendan Ashdown

John Toohey Chambers
Level 3, Citibank House
37 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: 1994 (WA) Year Elected to WABA: 2005 Qualifications: LLB (UWA)

Brendan Ashdown

In 1995 Brendan founded his own firm, later joining with a midsize City firm. From December 2001 he again practiced on his own account before joining the Bar in 2005.

  • Brendan practices in a range of areas with an emphasis on:
  • equity & trusts (including review of trustee decisions & disputes involving superannuation funds)
  • property law (including commercial lease disputes)
  • banking & finance
  • bankruptcy & corporate insolvency
  • commercial law, trade practices & contractual disputes
  • family law property matters (appeals and matters involving trusts, superannuation funds, company & third party issues)
    wills, estates & contested probate matters
  • intellectual property (particularly Trade Marks & passing off)
  • constitutional law
  • choice of law (private international law)

Brendan regularly appears as counsel before all courts and various tribunals at trial and appellate level. Brendan is a Certified Trusts and Estate Practitioner.

Brendan is a member of the Mental Health Human Research Ethics Committee (North Metropolitan Health Service) and the Legal Costs Committee.

Brendan was previously a member of the Child and Adolescent Health Service Board (and the Board’s Audit & Risk Committee) from 2016 to 2018, and prior to that the CAHS Governing Council from 2012. Brendan has also been a member of the Council of the Law Society of WA, the Council of the Western Australian Bar Association, a board member of the Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc and a member of the Football West (soccer) Grievances and Appeals Tribunal.

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