Legal Profession Uniform Law

Legal Profession Uniform Law
The Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA) commenced operation on 1 July 2022.  The Uniform Law, which came into force because of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2022 (WA), is found in Schedule 1 to Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (VIC), and is made up of many Rules and Regulations.

Listed below are the main components of the Uniform Law and the legislation websites where they may be found.

Uniform Law

WA Act, Rules and Regulations

Uniform Rules and Regulations

Conduct Rules

CPD Rules

Uniform Law Rules

Legal Services Council
Together, the Legal Services Council (LSC) and Commissioner for Uniform Legal Services Regulation oversee the Legal Profession Uniform Law scheme.

The LSC website includes most of legislation, and an abundance of information and useful links for legal practitioners.

Legal Practice Board
The Legal Practice Board website lists the main components of the Uniform Law and other information relevant to the Uniform Law, which is available here.