Natasha Stewart

Francis Burt Chambers
Level 25, Allendale Square
77 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Year Admitted: ACT 2000, NSW 2001, NT 2004, WA 2008, England & Wales 2004, SI 2006 Year Elected to WABA: 2009 Qualifications: BA (Syd), LLB (ANU), Grad Dip Legal Practice (ANU), LLM (Lon)

Natasha Stewart

Natasha practises primarily in Criminal Law and Advocacy as well as all aspects of Family Law including Violence Restraining Orders.

She teaches the Criminal Law Unit at the Perth College of Law and is also a guest lecturer in Advocacy at the College. She appears pro bono on worthy cases and is a former member of the Mental Health Law Centre.

Her well-developed negotiation skills, strong and effective advocacy, and an emphasis on personal communication ensure the best representation and strong working relationships.

Natasha is available to appear in courts across WA and interstate.

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